How to Meditate

By Mingyur Rinpoche 15 minutes
In this short guided meditation, Tibetan Buddhist meditation master Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche gives simple instructions for bringing awareness to the body, sensory experience, space, and finally to awareness itself. The main point of the practice is to fully embrace the present moment with mindfulness and awareness.

December 21, 2011

4 responses on "How to Meditate"

  1. What I enjoy about this particular teaching is how Mingyur Rinpoche, in his unique manner, gives such a profound guided meditation that transcends ones particular ‘level’ of practice. It is also lovely how he uses language that transcends cultures “let it be’ we know from the Beatles and is a translation of Amen and as Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche said an acceptable translation of “svaha” which is how many Buddhist liturgies conclude.
    “How Nice.”

  2. This videos is great. I love how Mingyur Rinpoche is able to create such a calming sense of ease in the instructions he gives. This is very easy to follow and a joyful introduction to the practice. Thank you

  3. Wonderful awareness of abiding with the body, the environment one is in, and even the clouds and beyond; then back to the body; and awareness also to the mind, and it’s inner turbulence and peacefulness. Mingyur Rinpoche is a wonderful guide on this tour of awareness. Thanks.

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